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6 取る
To Take



To Take


To Take Something, To Get Something

Word Type

transitive verb, godan verb





    • 取る To Take, To Take Something, To Get Something

    • 撮る To Take A Picture, To Take A Photo, To Take A Video

    • 採る To Gather, To Take, To Pick

    • 執る To Take Control, To Carry Out

    • 取る To Take, To Take Something, To Get Something

    • 取れる To Come Off, To Be Removed, To Fall Off

    • 受ける To Receive Something, To Accept Something, To Take Something

    • 取る To Take, To Take Something, To Get Something

    • 受け取る To Receive Something, To Take Something, To Get Something

    • 取る To Take, To Take Something, To Get Something

    • 決める To Decide

    • 取り決め Arrangement, Agreement

    • 取る To Take, To Take Something, To Get Something

    • 敢えて Dare To, Presume To, Daringly

    • 取り敢えず For The Time Being, First Of All, At Once, Immediately

    • 取る To Take, To Take Something, To Get Something

    • 扱う To Handle, To Treat

    • 取り扱う To Manage, To Handle

    • 取る To Take, To Take Something, To Get Something

    • 戻す To Return, To Return Something

    • 取り戻す To Take Back



Kanji Composition