Spending Money
給料 (きゅうりょう) Salary, Wages, Pay
給与 (きゅうよ) Salary, Wages, Pay, Compensation
小遣い (こづかい) Allowance, Spending Money
収入 (しゅうにゅう) Income
納入 (のうにゅう) Payment, Supply, Delivery
払い (はらい) Payment, Brushing Off
支払い (しはらい) Payment
遣う (つかう) To Consider, To Make Use Of
言葉遣い (ことばづかい) Choice Of Words
思い遣り (おもいやり) Consideration, Compassion, Sympathy
An Allowance 小遣い is a small 小 consideration 遣い your parents or spouse give you.